
JAKARTA - The Presidential Staff Office (KSP) believes that the construction of the Trans-Sumatra Toll Road project, which has been declared a priority and strategic project (major project) in the 2020-2024 RPJMN, will grow new economic areas.

Deputy I KSP Febry C Tetelepta when chairing the meeting for the acceleration of the Trans-Sumatra Toll Road construction project in Palembang, South Sumatra, Friday, said that toll road construction, especially in South Sumatra Province, must have a positive impact on society.

"The positive impact is the growth of new economic areas. In addition, there needs to be opportunities for local entrepreneurs to fill and run their business in the toll road rest area," said Febry in a KSP press release, quoted from Antara, Friday, December 11.

Apart from being a major project, the President has also designated Trans-Sumatra toll roads as a National Strategic Project in Presidential Decree 109/2020.

Therefore, according to Febry, the existence of this toll road infrastructure is not only intended to facilitate transportation for the movement of people in the cities it passes, but also to encourage economic growth in the surrounding areas.

"The toll exit must also be well planned so that the local area can grow," said Febry.

At the meeting, Febry appreciated the support from all parties for the commitment to accelerate, especially in terms of land acquisition. In general, the initial target for completing land acquisition is 2022.

"But in this meeting we all agreed to try to finish it by 2021," said Febry.

In South Sumatra, there are several toll roads under construction, including the 126.7 km Indralaya-Muara Enim Simpang section that passes through Ogan Ilir, Muara Enim, and Prabumulih.

The Palembang-Betung section, as part of the 69 km-long Kayu Agung-Palembang-Betung section that passes through Ogan Komering Ilir, Ogan Ilir, Pelembang, and Banyuasin, and the 134 km Betung-Tempino-Jambi section which passes through Banyuasin, Musi Banyuasin, and Muaro Jambi.

All local governments who attended this meeting fully supported the construction of toll roads as a National Strategic Project that traversed their territory.

Deputy Mayor Prabumulih Andriansyah Fikri, who was also present at the acceleration meeting, expressed his support but asked that the development process not have a negative impact on the nature around his area.

"We ask that the construction of this toll road does not destroy nature in Prabumulih," said Fikri.

The Trans-Sumatra Toll Road, which is designed to connect areas along the island of Sumatra from Lampung to Aceh along 2,987 km, is a Strategic Priority Project (Major Project) in RPJMN 2020-2024 and a National Strategic Project (Perpres 109/2020) whose development continues to be accelerated by President Jokowi.

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