
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health has officially determined that the meningitis vaccine is no longer a mandatory requirement for those who will depart for Saudi Arabia on a Umrah visa. On the other hand, those who use the hajj visa are still required. The stipulation is based on Circular (SE) Number HK.02.02/CI/9325/2022 concerning the Implementation of Meningitis Vaccination for Hajj and Umrah pilgrims issued on November 11, 2022 and signed by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Health Kunta Wibawa Dasa Nugraha. "Meningitis Vaccination Meningokokus is a must for those who come to Saudi Arabia using a hajj visa and it is not mandatory for those who come using Umrah visas," reads the circular received in Jakarta, Antara, Monday, November 14. Nevertheless, the Ministry of Health welcomes Umrah pilgrims who still want to carry out the vaccine meningitis as an effort to protect health. "Still able to carry out vaccinations in health facilities that provide international vaccination services," the letter wrote. For Umrah pilgrims who have comorbidities, the Ministry of Health recommends carrying out meningitis vaccination to boost and other vaccinations in health facilities. Previously, the Minister of Hajj and Umrah of Saudi Arabia Tawfiq F. Al Rabiah held a meeting with the Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas a few weeks ago. One of these meetings discussed the health requirements for the departure of Hajj and Umrah; the meningitis vaccine is not mandatory for Umrah pilgrims. Shortly after the visit, a letter from the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah of Saudi Arabia appeared requiring the vaccine to be meningitis for Umrah pilgrims who would come to the Holy Land. As a result, there is confusion about information about the meningitis vaccine. Confirmed separately, Indonesian Consul General Jeddah Eko Hartono said that his party had asked for clarification on the issue of the vaccine meningitis for Umrah pilgrims to the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah Saudi. Eko said that the Deputy Minister for Umrah Saudi Affairs said that the vaccine was not mandatory but only recommended. According to Eko, at that time the notification letter at the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah Saudi was still writing the word "mandatory" of the meningitis vaccine, but he asked for the word "mandatory" to be translated as "suggested". "He (deputy minister) guarantees that the word (mandatory) must be read as suggested," said Eko.

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