
The Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta, Heru Budi Hartono, asked the Tourism Office to reduce the capacity of spectators in an effort to tighten concert permits. This follows a case of a violation of the capacity of the music concert at Istora Senayan some time ago.

"I ask the Tourism Office, if there are 1,000 seats, don't give 1,000 but 700, so there is still space to keep your distance and others. You also have to look at the location of the parking lot and others," said Heru in Pluit, North Jakarta, Saturday, November 12.

If there is another violation, Heru reminded that there are sanctions imposed on related parties.

"Yes, everything has sanctions. Don't violate everything, you must be disciplined," said Heru.

Even so, Heru said, this tightening was not related to the implementation of PPKM. This is because PPKM will be regulated by the center.

"Consert the permit so that it's not so crowded, it has nothing to do with PPKM. If PPKM is later the central level will determine," he said.

It is known, after the case of violating the capacity of the music concert at Istora Senayan some time ago, the DKI Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Disparekraf) limited the capacity of concerts.

The addition of the requirements for organizing this music event is contained in the Decree (SK) of Disparekraf No e-1963/PW.01.02 of 2022 concerning the Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities Level 1 Corona Virus Disease 2019 in the Tourism Business Sector.

Head of DKI Jakarta Disparekraf Andhika explained, now event organizers are obliged to limit visitors with a maximum capacity of 70 percent with operating hours starting from 11.00 WIB to 24.00 WIB.

In addition, the organizers are also obliged to complete the recommendation letter from the COVID-19 Task Force, Temporary Show List Signs (TDPT), as well as crowd permits from the police authorities.

"In the latest Level 1 PPKM Decree, it has also regulated the organizer's obligation to have competencies related to Event Venue Management. We hope that with the provisions of the implementation of this music, it can be a reference for event organizers to present safe and conducive concerts," Andhika said in his statement, Friday, November 11.

Another provision in the decree is the arrangement of the arrival and return flow of visitors as well as the layout of meeting places/events, such as the placement of tables, chairs, booths, aisles, evacuation routes, as well as the implementation of 5M to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

In addition, organizers are also required to maintain the safety, comfort and safety of visitors, and are required to provide a Payment Gateway system for the transaction process and ticket registration.

"Initiators are required to make arrangements for visitors or Crowd Control Management according to the number of visitors. In addition, the PeduliLindung application must also be used to screen. So that only visitors and employees with the green category are allowed," said Andhika.

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