
JAKARTA - West Jakarta Metro Police are still investigating the deaths of four people in one family, at Perum Citra Garden, Kalideres, West Jakarta. Although the victims, namely Rudianto (71) Margareth (58), Dian (40) and Budianto (69), were declared starving, the police continued to investigate further. Moreover, the discovery of paper that is suspected of debt records.

"The debt record is still being investigated," said West Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Pasma Royce, Friday, November 11.

Pasma explained that his party was still collecting evidence at the scene and examining the witness, the victim's neighbor, the head of the RT, and even the victim's brother.

Regarding other things, we are still investigating. We are still collecting evidence at the crime scene," he said.

Based on the forensic doctor's examination at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, said Pasma, that the family who died in Citra Garden died of hunger.

This body didn't eat and drink long enough, because the muscles had narrowed. The forensic doctor's statement that this death was from 3 weeks ago," Pasma told reporters at the West Jakarta Metro Police, Friday, November 11.

Previously, residents of Citra Garden Housing were made uncomfortable with the pungent smell of a pungent nose for several days. Asiung, as the local chairman, was asked by residents to take action.

Especially after a PLN officer came to the victim's house to cut off the electricity network, making him even more convinced, something went wrong in Rudianto's house.

Until finally, Asiung decided to forcibly open Rudianto's house, which seemed quiet for a long time. The residents witnessed that Asiung had broken the door to see the bodies of Rudianto, Margareth, Dian and Budianto in the house, even though they were separated.

Asiung said, two rotten bodies had dredging brownness and the other two bodies were still a bit intact. Sure something went wrong, Asiung contacted the Kalideres Police.

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