
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo conveyed six important points related to the crisis in Myanmar. One of them is the affirmation of the call for an end to violence in the ASEAN country which is being hit by the political crisis. A number of important points related to the Myanmar crisis were conveyed by President Jokowi at the 41st ASEAN Summit retreat session at Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Friday, November 11. In particular, this session discussed the implementation of the 5-point consensus (5PC) in Myanmar. "The first point is that the implementation of 5PC (5-point consensus/five consensus points) remains the main reference for ASEAN in helping Myanmar get out of its political crisis," said President Jokowi, quoted from a statement from the Press Bureau of the Presidential Secretariat via Antara received in Jakarta, Friday, November 11. The second point, Jokowi emphasized the call to stop violence in order to immediately create conducive conditions in Myanmar. Third, Jokowi proposed the assignment of the Secretary General of the ASEAN and the AHA Center (The ASEAN Coordinating Center for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management) to continue to seek access so that Comprehensive Needs Assessment can be completed immediately. According to him, humanitarian assistance to support life is becoming more important, meaning now for Myanmar. The fourth point conveyed is that the decision of a non-political representation or non-political representation from Myanmar must also be applied in addition to the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting (AMM) and the Summit. "Fifth, the ASEAN engagement with all stakeholders (imholders) of Myanmar must be carried out immediately. Because only by opening a dialogue with all parties, ASEAN will be able to facilitate the national dialogue mandated by 5PC," said Jokowi. The sixth thing, he continued, is to respect the principle of non-interference, ASEAN does not provide support for inclusive elections and is not prepared based on national dialogue. "We have a responsibility to the people of ASEAN and the world. If we do not act appropriately, ASEAN credibility and relevance will be at stake," said Jokowi. Also attending to accompany President Jokowi at the 41st ASEAN Hospital Session, namely Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi.

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