
JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Environmental Agency will have a hand arrest operation (OTT) using drones targeting people to litter on riverbanks starting next week

This follows the OTT's activities of littering in the car free day (CFD) area in Sudirman-Thamrin last weekend.

"Yes, we will try to fly drones at these locations next week. (OTT) littering, especially throughout the Ciliwung River, we can try to fly drones at these locations," said Head of the DKI Environmental Agency Asep Kuswanto to reporters, Friday, November 11.

Currently, the DKI Environmental Agency is still conducting an inventory of riverbank points that are most often locations for waste disposal by the community.

In addition, Asep said that his party is also still coordinating with the Office of Communication, Information and Statistics (Diskominfotik) regarding the use of drones. This is because this drone cannot be used by just anyone.

"We will also coordinate with Diskominfo on how many drones are flown. Then the pilots, because flying drones can't be done carelessly. The drone pilots must have certification," explained Asep.

For information, this arbitrary waste disposal OTT uses the legal basis of Regional Regulation Number 3 of 2013 concerning Waste Management, which states that the Governor can impose administrative sanctions in the form of forced money to everyone intentionally or proven to dispose of waste and/or carcasses of animals into rivers/times/channels, reservoirs, ponds, wastewater channels, on roads, parks, or public places and subject to a maximum of Rp500,000 of forced money.

OTT uses this drone as an initiative of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono to control waste pollution in the capital city.

This OTT was first carried out at CFD activities or motorized vehicle free days (HBKB) in the Sudirman-Thamrin area on Sunday, November 6.

The Provincial-level HBKB enforcement post in Sudirman Thamrin was held in 7 locations, namely, in front of Gedung Jaya, Jalan Sumenep, in front of the Hotel Indonesia Kempinski, Fly Over Statue Sudirman, in front of the Chase Plaza Building, CIMB Building and FX Sudirman Mall. A total of 194 supervisors were deployed.

Berdasarkan kegiatan OTT sampah saat itu, terdapat 15 pelanggaran yang dikenakan denda uang paksa. Pemprov DKI mengumpulkan total denda Rp710.000 dan 4 pelanggaran yang dijatuhi sanksi sosial melakukan pungut sampah di lokasi.

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