
JAKARTA - Nine heads of state and government members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations will discuss a series of the 40th and 41st ASEAN Summits and a series of related summits.

At the 40th and 41st ASEAN Summits, the Myanmar military government will not attend the Summit or other related meetings.

However, the Cambodian government asked Myanmar, which has been under military rule since February 2021, to send non-political representatives. However, Myanmar's junta replied that it would not send anyone to the biennial summit this time.

Cambodia will host the 40th and 41st ASEAN Summits in Phnom Penh, the Cambodian capital, on 10-13 November 2022.

As reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, November 9, at this year's ASEAN Summit, Cambodia as chairman carried the theme "ASEAN: Overcoming Common Challenges".

The theme underscores ASEAN's spirit of “togetherness” as a community and a shared will in collective efforts to overcome the challenges it faces.

“Togetherness” emphasizes ASEAN's action-oriented approach that is based on openness, good faith, solidarity, and harmony within the ASEAN family.

Under this theme, Cambodia seeks to build a harmonious and peaceful, stable, and prosperous ASEAN Community, which supports ASEAN's engagement with the wider region and regional responses to the impacts and uncertainties posed by regional and global challenges.

These include the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change and sustainable development, competition between great powers, protectionism, territorial disputes, trade wars and technological rivalries, and other traditional and non-traditional security threats.

Meanwhile, the ASEAN logo this time is the lotus flower, representing the Khmer art form derived from the relief carvings on the walls of ancient Khmer temples, which depict purity and self-regeneration.

The page depicts a lotus flower beautifully wrapped in a golden circle with the ASEAN emblem in the center to symbolize prosperity and harmony in peace.

The careful placement of these symbols is an embodiment of the shared passion and efforts of the 10 ASEAN countries bound together by friendship and solidarity with the common goal of overcoming all challenges towards building an inclusive and sustainable ASEAN Community now and in the future.

The blue color on the six petals symbolizes peace, stability, trust, confidence, solidarity, and cooperation which are the main ideals of ASEAN.

The red color of the four petals symbolizes the life, health, courage, and dynamism of ASEAN.

The golden circle signifies the majesty, success, achievement, and victory surrounding the process of building the ASEAN Community, as well as a sense of togetherness and ASEAN unity. The mixed colors symbolize the ethnic diversity of the 10 ASEAN Member States.

In order for the implementation of the ASEAN Summit to run safely and smoothly, Cambodia has increased security at a number of locations, including Phnom Penh International Airport, the hotel where the summit is located, as well as several main roads.

Around 10,000 police were deployed in Phnom Penh to maintain security during the ASEAN Summit

Some of the troops deployed were also trained in skills, including defense techniques and cooperation with other countries' special forces.

Cambodian Prime Minister Samdech Techo Hun Sen said Cambodia will direct ASEAN's collective efforts to accomplish important tasks, especially accelerating the process of building a just, strong and inclusive ASEAN Community, which is in line with ASEAN's core spirit: One Vision, One Identity and One. Community.

In this regard, Cambodia would like to underline the main priorities for 2022 as follows: First, Political and Security Pillars: Cambodia will focus on strengthening ASEAN Centrality and ASEAN Unity, both for regional mechanisms and cooperation with external partners, based on the ASEAN Way and Principles set out in ASEAN Charter, Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia, and ASEAN's Outlook on the Indo-Pacific.

In addition, ASEAN must be resilient and strong against pressures and influences stemming from increasing geopolitical competition, transnational crime, terrorism, climate change, and infectious diseases to ensure a way forward in peace, security, and prosperity.

Second, Economic Pillar: Cambodia will promote the effective implementation of all agreed initiatives and measures and maximize trade agreements to accelerate the recovery of economic growth, and ensure that ASEAN remains an attractive and dynamic trade and investment center by enhancing physical connectivity. and digital; strengthening the capacity of MSMEs; and promoting entrepreneurship among women and youth; and other priorities aimed at narrowing development gaps and promoting regional integration.

Third, the Socio-Cultural Pillar: Cambodia will strengthen human resource development to address the needs on the ground to build community, promote the participation of women and youth in building and maintaining peace, and develop an inclusive social protection system.

Another top priority is strengthening people-to-people bonds to enhance the spirit of One ASEAN Identity.

Cambodia will continue to seek support and cooperation to achieve the goal of building three ASEAN Communities, in line with the ASEAN Community Vision 2025.

In addition, Cambodia will accelerate the development of the ASEAN Community Vision Post-2025.

As Chair of ASEAN 2022, Cambodia is committed to leading ASEAN with the theme “ASEAN A.C.T.: Addressing Challenges Together” for harmony, peace, and prosperity throughout the region.

Five-Point Consensus

After a special meeting of ASEAN foreign ministers last October, Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi explained that ASEAN leaders would review the implementation of the Five-Point Consensus agreed upon at the April summit last year to respond to the political crisis in Myanmar after the military coup.

This was done because they considered that there was no significant progress in implementing the consensus.

Foreign Minister Retno stated that Indonesian President Joko Widodo sent a letter to Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen as ASEAN Chair regarding the importance of ASEAN leaders discussing the implementation of the Five-Point Consensus to help resolve the Myanmar crisis.

The letter, said the Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi, had been replied to by Hun Sen who assigned foreign ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) member countries to meet and make recommendations regarding the implementation of the consensus.

The Five-Point Consensus calls for an end to violence, and dialogue with all stakeholders appoints special envoys to facilitate mediation and dialogue, allows ASEAN to provide humanitarian assistance to Myanmar citizens, and allows ASEAN special envoys to visit and meet with stakeholders in Myanmar.

Indonesia and other ASEAN countries have repeatedly voiced concern and disappointment at the impasse in the implementation of the Five-Point Consensus to help resolve the Myanmar crisis.

The Five-Point Consensus is the decision of the ASEAN leaders. The consensus was the result of a special meeting where General Min Aung Hlaing was also present and aimed at helping Myanmar overcome its political crisis.

Indonesia emphasizes the importance of an immediate approach with all stakeholders according to the consensus mandate.

However, this approach, including with the military junta, is solely carried out to implement the consensus and is not an acknowledgment of the junta as the government of Myanmar, said the Indonesian Foreign Minister.

By approaching all stakeholders, ASEAN will be able to carry out its function to facilitate dialogue.

The national dialogue is expected to be able to discuss the future of Myanmar. Myanmar's problems can only be solved by the Myanmar people themselves. Therefore the dialogue between them becomes very important.

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