
JAKARTA - It has been more than a month since hundreds of residents in 87 RTs in 7 RWs, Harapan Mulya Village, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta have experienced a clean water crisis. This happened because of the damage to the PAM waterways belonging to residents due to the excavation of the normalization of waterways.

With the damage to the flow of PAM water to residential areas, community activities are disrupted. The need to eat, drink, cook, wash and shower is disrupted. In fact, residents must feel the clean water crisis for almost a month.

Dimas, chairman of RT 06, said that the normalization of the channel in Harapan Mulia had an impact on the death of a clean water network to residents' homes. It's been almost a month that clean water has been running smoothly to people's homes.

"Many clean water pipes were damaged due to the impact of normalizing channels. Residents here also have difficulty getting clean water," Dimas told reporters, Wednesday, November 9.

The external supervision of the Central Jakarta Aetra water company, Jumino, said that 35 pipes were damaged in the construction of channel normalization. As a result, the flow of water to residents was stopped due to leakage.

"The number of large 35 pipes is also a small pipe but we haven't calculated all of them. Our losses are like a lot of wasted water, materials, repair personnel if we total everything is estimated to reach Rp 500 million," he said.

The Head of Harapan Mulia Village, Faozi, said that four times the PAM clean water pipe that flows into people's homes was damaged due to the normalization of the channel on Jalan Cempaka Putih Utara, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta.

"Yes, that's right, the pipe was damaged due to channel normalization. Four water pipes have been damaged in the Harapan Mulia Village area," said Faozi when contacted by reporters, Wednesday, November 2.

Faozi said that his party had also conveyed the incident of the damage to the residents' PAM clean water pipe to the Central Jakarta Water Resources Sub-dept. (SDA Sub-Department).

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