
YOGYAKARTA Chairman of the Golkar Party (Golkar) Airlangga Hartarto held a meeting with volunteer groups Joko Widodo (Jokowi) who are members of the organizers of the People's Consultative Assembly (Musra). The meeting of Jokowi and Airlangga Hartarto volunteers was held at the Jakarta Golkar Party DPP Office on Monday, November 7, 2022, in private.

The gathering between Jokowi and Airlangga volunteers took place at 19.49 WIB. Airlangga, who currently occupies the seat of Coordinating Minister for the Economy, was accompanied by a number of Golkar Party DPP administrators, such as Deputy General Chair Agus Gumiwang, Secretary General Lodewijk F Paulus, Chairman of the Ace DPP Hasan Syadzily, and General Treasurer Dito Ganindito.

Airlangga said that the meeting was in order to listen to the aspirations of the people obtained from Musra in several areas

"The meeting with the Musra national committee was held in order to listen to the holding of Musra which had been held several times and of course it would be held in several other areas," said Airlangga, quoted by VOI from ANTARA, not long ago.

Airlangga then expressed his appreciation for Musra for the deliberation held by Jokowi volunteers which was considered the absorber of people's aspirations, which was held in stages and targeted to be carried out nationally.

"Of course what is achieved in Musra, Golkar as the party participating in the election can certainly absorb the aspirations that will be conveyed, and the second, of course, these aspirations can also be included through the Golkar party," he said.

Airlangga emphasized that Golkar, which already has the ability to participate in the 2024 election contestation, because it has formed a joint coalition with PAN and PPP, namely the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) will remain with inputs in the future.

"This will continue to be initiated because the Golkar Party is based on ideas and ideas, including from the entire community collected through Musra," said Airlangga.

Meanwhile, the General Chairperson of the Projo Volunteers, Budi Arie Setiadi, said that the gathering with the Golkar Party today is the first time for the combination of Jokowi's volunteer organs to visit political parties (political parties).

"This is the first meeting of Jokowi volunteers to the political party office and this is to the Golkar Office," said the man who served as Deputy Minister of Village Development for Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Wamendes PDTT).

Budi explained that the gathering discussed the results of the Musra Indonesia I meeting which had been held in six regions so far, which included a number of possible names to be carried as presidential and vice presidential candidates in the 2024 election.

Budi said, in the Musra, the name Airlangga Hartarto was always consistently in the top 3 candidates for the 2024 vice presidential candidate (cawapres).

"We inform Pak Airlangga that he is in the top 3 position during the holding of the Musra. In the name of the vice president, he is always in 2 and 3 positions," said Budi.

He also said that the gathering event discussed actual issues that were needed by the community at the place where Musra was being held.

"So this Musra is an instrument to record all expectations of people's aspirations throughout Indonesia, in accordance with the objective conditions of each region," said Budi.

After visiting the chairman of Golkar, Budi said that the next political party that will be visited in the near future is Gerindra at Prabowo Subianto's residence on Thursday this week.

"We are with Pak Prabowo, which is certain Thursday, Thursday at 1 pm," said Budi.

Budi mentioned a number of other political party names that will be visited, including PAN and PPP who are also members of the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) with Golkar, and do not rule out a number of other political parties.

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