
JAKARTA - The departure of KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri to Jayapura with the team to check the condition of Papua Governor Lukas Enembe was highlighted by many parties for violating the KPK Law Number 19 of 2019. Even so, the anti-corruption commission believes that what Firli did is not violate anything. Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri ensured that Firli went to meet with Lukas, who is a suspect, not hidden. His visit to Jayapura was aimed at working instead of holding clan (secret) meetings. "There is no secret talk, even (the meeting between Firli and Lukas, ed) was covered by the media. There was also a legal advisor, there was a regional leadership communication forum. This means that nothing is covered up, there are no special talks," Ali told reporters, Tuesday, November 8. According to him, Firli will only violate Article 36 of the KPK Law Number 19 of 2019 if the meeting is carried out in a hidden manner. "(Meeting, ed) in an unnatural place, not in carrying out its duties," said Ali. Moreover, Firli's departure to meet Lukas has been discussed carefully. The team did not just leave without a special prepared strategy. "So that the provisions of Article 36 of the KPK Law do not apply. Moreover, then in the Criminal Code there is Article 50 that a person cannot be convicted while carrying out his duties and positions," Ali explained. "The duties and positions here are the main tasks of the KPK leadership, the main duties of the KPK, including carrying out investigations, investigations, prosecutions, and executions," he continued. The KPK welcomes any party who objects to Firli's presence in Jayapura to meet directly with Lukas, who is a suspect. However, Ali ensured that his institution would not violate the rules in carrying out corruption eradication work. "We do not want to violate the legal provisions processes that apply in law enforcement itself," he said. As previously reported, the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) assessed that the meeting between Firli and Lukas Enembe could not be justified. The former Deputy for Enforcement of the KPK was deemed to have violated Article 36 of the KPK Law Number 19 of 2019 which prohibited the KPK leadership from meeting the suspect. "The reason for carrying out the task cannot be used as an excuse for the KPK leadership to meet the suspect, either open or closed based on Article 36 of the KPK Law," MAKI Coordinator Boyamin Saiman told reporters, Tuesday, November 8. The meeting between Firli and Lukas took place on Thursday, November 3. At that time, he and a team of doctors from the KPK and the Executive Board of the Indonesian Doctors Association (PB IDI) together with investigators visited the Papua Governor's residence in Jayapura. During the visit, Lukas had time to undergo an examination. However, this activity took place for a while because he was sick and had a chance to be checked by a team of doctors.

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