Kaur Yar, Head of the Head of the Indonesian Air Force Headquarters Headquarters, Joko Sulistiyanto, admitted that he recorded 'the command fund for the Air Force Chief of Staff (KSAU) for the 2015-2017 period Agus Supriatna from the procurement of AW 101 helicopters as a 'partner fund.'
"In the Minutes of Investigation (BAP) you said you brought Rp17,733 billion in cash and reported it to Kapekas Wisnu Wicaksono, then Wisnu kept it in the pesis safe, and ordered me to record the money as AW 101's command fund, the value of the dako is 4 percent of the payment value, is this BAP true?" asked the public prosecutor (JPU) of the KPK Ariawan Agustiartono at the Jakarta Corruption Court (Tipikor), Antara, Monday, November 7.
"The term dako (dako) is from a partner," answered Joko.
Joko is a witness for the Director of PT. Diratama Jaya Mandiri John Irfan Kenway alias Irfan Kurnia Saleh who was charged with corruption in the procurement of the AgustaWestland (AW) 101 transport helicopter at the Indonesian Air Force in the 2016 class which cost the state finances Rp738.9 billion.
In the indictment, it was stated that the Command Fund (DK/Dako) was intended for the Chief of Air Force Staff (Kasau) for the 2015-2017 period Agus Supriatna worth IDR 17.733 billion from Irfan Kurnia.
This amount is 4 percent of phase 1 payments for PT. Diratama Jaya Mandiri, which is Rp436,689 billion of the total payment of Rp738.9 billion.
"What is the nomenclature recorded in the nomenclature?" asked the prosecutor. "Co partner funds," Joko replied.
"The authorization of use by whom?" asked the prosecutor. "All the money came in and out on the orders of Pekas," Joko replied.
Pekas yang dimaksud adalah Kepala Pemegang Kas (Pekas) Mabes TNI AU periode 2015-2017 Letkol Adm Wisnu Wicaksono yang juga dihadirkan sebagai saksi sebelum Joko. Namun, Wisnu membantah ada dako sebesar 4 persen untuk Agus Supriatna.
"The cash money was then taken to the safe, and placed in the accounts according to Pekas' direction, but during my service there from June 2016 to February 2017 there was no order to use the money," said Joko.
"In BAP No. 13 you were asked, 'What is the designation for command funds from the AW 101 helicopter? The witness answered at the direction of Wisnu Wicaksono that I received information on the designation of dako sourced from the procurement of the AW 101 helicopter, Wisnu told me that command funds can only be used on the orders of Kasau Marshal Agus Supriatna, but the details of our use never know', is this true?" asked the prosecutor.
"Ready we never said that because at that time we frankly read the script at the time of signature, but orders like that have never been," Joko replied.
This means that Joko revoked the BAP which stated that the dako was used for Agus Supriatna.
Joko also denied that he had ever issued cash to put it in deposits on behalf of Agus Supriatna and her son, Nisa.
"In BAP No. 12 you were asked 'Has you ever been ordered to issue a 2016-2017 loss fund when you were a payment card?. You answered, on the orders of Wisnu Wicaksono I was ordered to spend the following funds, Based on daily cash expenditure January 13, 2017, there was an expenditure for making deposits on behalf of Kasau Agus Supriatna in the amount of Rp. 10 billion. Second, I have recorded expenses from a safe of Rp. 6 billion for making deposits on behalf of Nisa, Kasau's son, Marshal Agus Supriatna', what is this information?" asked the prosecutor.
"It's not true, I never said that," Joko replied.
"Is this the investigator's essay or witness testimony?" asked the prosecutor.
"Don't remember. If there is money coming out, we will definitely note, we just found out here that there is a deposit for Dewi Liasaroh, meaning that the money is not through the money from the safe, it is not in our records," Joko replied.
Joko admitted that there was no reduced money from the 4 safes under his responsibility.
"Every day we always check the money must be in accordance with our records," said Joko.
"Four safes 'check' how long?" asked the chairman of the panel of judges Djumyanto.
"1-2 hours per day, it is true that we check every day, calculated per hundred million, right before going home must be calculated, must be in accordance with the records," Joko replied.
"Every day it has to be checked?" asked the judge. "That's right, that's what made us also get wet lungs because of that," Joko replied.
"Who put it in the safe?" asked the judge. "Pak Sigit, but I was there and there was no money coming out for deposits on behalf of Dewi Liasaroh," said Joko.
The indictment states that DAko worth Rp. 17.733 billion was placed in several deposits using the name Dewi Liasaroh at Bank BRI at the Cilangkap TNI AU Headquarters branch.
"This means that it is not from the safe we hold, there is no record of spending Rp. 17 billion," said Joko.
Based on Joko's testimony, the defendant Irfan Kurnia Saleh said that dako was not an initiative of a partner or partner of the Indonesian Air Force.
"The data is not from partners, but we were asked, the two are not partners who come from the bank and make deposit accounts but Pak Sigit asked to come to the bank and then by cash bank cashiers to separate, so once again this (dako) is not from a partner," said Irfan.
Based on Joko's testimony that revoked the BAP, the judge ordered Joko's confrontation with other witnesses and KPK investigators.
"Next week the witness was asked to attend again because he would be confronted with his investigators regarding the statements. Witness Wisnu also said things that were not in accordance with the BAP, so he would be confronted with Sigit, and witnesses from BRI as well," said Judge Djumyanto.
The witnesses who were ordered to be present at the trial next week were the Head of the Indonesian Air Force Headquarters for the 2015-2017 period Lieutenant Colonel Adm Wisnu Wicaksono, Kaur Yar Pekas TNI AU Headquarters Joko Sulistiyanto, the NCO for Payment Affairs (BA URYAR) of the Indonesian Air Force Sigit Suwastono and the BRI "Funding Officer" Branch of the Cilangkap TNI AU Headquarters Bayu Nur Pratama to be confronted with KPK investigators.
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