
JAKARTA - Prabowo Subianto is predicted to receive an overflow of votes from voters from President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Vice President Ma'ruf Amin after joining the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet in 2019. This is a finding in a national survey conducted by Indosrategi. Director of Indostrategi, Arif Nurul Imam, said 79.2 percent agreed to Prabowo's political choice which decided to join the Jokowi-Ma'ruf government in 2019. Meanwhile, 14.54 percent disagreed. While the rest stated that they did not know or did not answer. "My guess is that the public hopes that political polarization can be stopped when Prabowo enters the cabinet," Arif said in a survey presentation entitled 'The Presidential Candidate Support Map Ahead of the 2024 General Election,' Monday, November 7. It is known that Prabowo Subianto's entry into the Jokowi-Ma'ruf cabinet as Minister of Defense (Menhan) after losing the 2019 General Election (Pemilu), reaped the pros and cons of their respective supporters. Furthermore, Arif assessed, the issue of Prabowo's betrayal of the constituents could also be refuted by these findings. The reason is, the majority or almost 80 percent agree that Prabowo joins the Jokowi-Ma'ruf government. "From the survey, 41.1 percent of Jokowi-Ma'ruf supporters also found that Prabowo joined the government," said Arif. Meanwhile, 17.3 percent said they did not agree that Prabowo would join the Jokowi-Ma'ruf cabinet. The rest admitted that they did not know or did not answer Prabowo's issue of joining the government. Then, said Arif, from Prabowo voters who were paired by Sandiaga Uno (P Prabowo-Sandi supporter) amounting to 58.9 percent stated that they supported Prabowo joining the Jokowi ma'ruf government. Meanwhile, 15.8 percent disagreed with Prabowo joining Jokowi-Maruf. The rest said they did not know or did not answer. Arif said, from the data, it can be seen that actually the disappointment with Prabowo could be just a small eruption. Because from the data that states that they agree is quite large, which is 79.2 percent. "This is from a combination of data from Jokowi-Ma'ruf supporters and Prabowo-sandi supporters. Even if someone is disappointed from the Prabowo side, they can actually get an overflow of votes from Jokowi-haruf supporters who agree Prabowo is included in the Jokowi-Ma'ruf government," he concluded.

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