JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) officially gave the title of national hero to five figures, one of whom was Haji Raden Suharto Sastrosoeyoso. The embedding was inaugurated through Presidential Decree No. 96 TK in 2022.
The ceremony for embedding the title of a national hero was held at the Jakarta Presidential Palace. From the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube show, a number of invited guests attended the activity and appeared to have implemented health protocols.
The activity began by singing the anthem Indonesia Raya and then reading the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia.
"To grant the title of national hero and the honor of the star of service to the name in this attachment to this decision as an appreciation for his services," said the decision read by the Presidential Military Secretary (Sesmillres) Rear Admiral TNI Hersan at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta, Monday, November 7.
Apart from Suharto, there were four other figures who received the title of national hero. They are the King of Paku Alam KGPPA Paku Alam VIII; figure from West Kalimantan Raden Rubini; a fighting figure from Central Halmahera, North Maluku Salahuddin bin Talibuddin; and Ahmad Sanusi from West Java who is a member of the Investigating Agency for the Preparation of Indonesian Independence (BPUPKI) and an Islamic figure who fights for the basis of the Pancasila state.
After the decision was read, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) handed over the plaque to the heirs. The former governor of DKI Jakarta also congratulated them.
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