YOGYAKARTA - The Gunungkidul Regency Tourism Office, Yogyakarta Special Region, hopes that the Yogyakarta-Wonosari road in Piyungan, Bantul, which has collapsed, will soon be completed so that it does not affect tourist visits during the year-end holidays.
Head of the Gunungkidul Tourism Office, Arif Aldian, said that the subsidence of the main Yogyakarta-Wonosari road in Piyungan has quite an effect on tourist visits, especially on Saturdays and Sundays.
"Tourist visits at the end of last week fell by almost 1,000 people. The potential for tourist visits is also currently also more. We hope that the road can be completed soon, so it will not affect tourist visits at the end of the year," said Arif Aldian in Gunungkidul, Antara, Sunday, November 6.
He said the Yogyakarta-Wonosari route is the main road to all tourist attractions in Gununkidul. Currently, the repair process is still being carried out, and road closures are being carried out.
"We urge tourists to be patient because there is currently a landslide on the main route of Yogyakarta-Wonosari," he said.
Furthermore, Arif Aldian said that the Gunungkidul Tourism Office has spread information through various media, so that tourists temporarily pass alternative roads that will travel to Gunungkidul.
"While waiting for repairs, tourists who will visit can use alternative routes that have been suggested by related parties," said Arif Aldian.
Meanwhile, Head of the Gunungkidul Police Traffic Unit, AKP Antonius Purwanta, said that his party implemented an alternative route scenario to break the traffic congestion going to Gunungkidul or vice versa, especially tourist vehicles.
The scenario is the transfer of tourist vehicles through alternative routes. The first alternative route for vehicles with a cargo of more than 30 tons via the Sambeng-Cawas Line in Klaten.
For two-wheeled vehicles and four private types, directed through the Getas (Playen) - Dlingo and Panggang -Siluk routes. These two routes will penetrate Imogiri, Bantul.
Meanwhile, tourism buses and cargo trucks under 30 tons are still directed through Jalan Yogyakarta-Wonosari. "On Jalan Yogyakarta - Wonosari, an open-close system is applied," he said.
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