
JAKARTA - The National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) of the Republic of Indonesia calls for a universal defense to people in the country in fighting radicalism, intolerance, and terrorism through the love movement of the Republic of Indonesia.

"We are fighting terrorism with the universal defense in dealing with the ideology of terrorism, one of which is through Warung NKRI," said Head of BNPT Police Commissioner General (Komjen) Boy Rafli Amar, quoted by Antara, Sunday.

Boy believes that the universal defense is a powerful way to fight radicalism and terrorism. One form of universal defense that can be done is through a soft approach.

"The national dialogues at Warung NKRI are believed to be able to counter ideas that are contrary to Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution," said the former Papuan Police Chief.

Boy explained that the fight against the virus of radicalism and terrorism was not by using defense equipment but by strengthening the love of the country by every citizen to minimize the potential threat.

"So if we all love the Republic of Indonesia, then the enemy of a country called terrorism will never be able to come and reach all elements of society," he explained.

He added that the socialization of national ideologies and building the love movement of the Republic of Indonesia in all important and strategic areas is to continue to be carried out as an effort to fight intolerance in society.

Terrorist groups do not like diversity because it is exclusive and intolerant in nature where it is contrary to what has been taught by the nation's ancestors.

Therefore, people are invited to fight the virus of terrorism through national insight, revitalization of Pancasila, religious moderation, welfare development and strengthening of the nation's cultural roots.

Finally, he invites the younger generation, whether students, students or members of community organizations who are the successors of the nation to be at the forefront of fighting ideologies that are contrary to Pancasila.

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