
The Election Supervisory Committee (Panwaslu) of the sub-district in Palembang City has met the requirements in fulfilling 30 percent of the women's quota in accordance with the provisions of the legislation, fulfilled at the opening of registration, namely 125 registrants, including 30 percent of women.

"The 30 percent quota has been fulfilled by 30 percent of women. During the inauguration there were also a number of women who passed as members of the sub-district election supervisory committee (panwaslucam)," said Head of the Palembang City Election Supervisory Agency (Banwaslu) M Taufiq, quoted by Antara, Sunday.

He explained that currently the sub-district panwaslu in Palembang City are 54 people and have been inaugurated some time ago. Their job will be to socialize the stages of the 2024 General Election to the community and related parties.

"They will also carry out their duties according to the program set by the Banwaslu of the Republic of Indonesia," he also said.

Touching on the issue of the presence of state civil servants (ASN), the TNI and Polri, Taufik said it would continue to be monitored. For example, if the sub-district panwaslu finds that ASN is not neutral, they immediately report it to Banwaslu, Palembang City, then it will be reported to the ASN Commission in Jakarta.

"The ASN Commission will determine whether it will be guilty or not and what form of sanctions it will be," he said.

Taufiq explained that the members of the Panwaslu immediately carried out surveillance in the ongoing process of factual verification of political parties.

"The briefing is material regarding stages, duties, and functions as panwaslu and others," he also said.

The sub-district Panwaslu also supervises potential violations.

"If the community finds potential violations, they will immediately come to the sub-district panwaslu or to the Bawaslu office of Palembang City," he said.

He said the task period for the sub-district panwaslu until the 2024 election was over.

"I hope that three members of the Panwaslu in each sub-district, including the chairman, can carry out their duties and functions as well as possible," he also said.

Deputy Mayor of Palembang Fitrianti Agustinda also hopes that members of the sub-district panwaslu can carry out their duties properly, so that in the next election it can run smoothly.

"I ask the members of the sub-district panwaslu to carry out their duties properly, so that during the democratic party later it will really run well," he said again.

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