
Chairman of the DPD RI, AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti, asked the government and the public not to be careless about the presence of a new subvariant for COVID-19.

LaNyalla, who is also monitoring the development of COVID-19, said that the increase in patients with the Coronavirus that causes this must be watched out for.

"Although it had been sloping, the trend of increasing the number of Covid sufferers in recent days has continued to increase. Especially with the emergence of a new variant of XBB. This is something to watch out for," he said, as a written statement received by VOI on Saturday when Kundapil in East Java on November 5.

The senator from East Java said that 100 percent of community activities that had started to normal had also caused the spread of COVID-19.

"All activities have been carried out offline, although there are still online. This also makes the spread faster. Moreover, if the implementation of health protocols is ignored," he said.

For this reason, LaNyalla invites the public to re-strict awareness of health protocols.

"It is very unfortunate that many people are starting to ignore the potential for Covid to re-spread. People must remain careful with all kinds of activities outside the home. Because the XBB subvariant has started to attack. This has been proven that the number of Covid infections has increased daily to reach 4 thousand sufferers," he said.

LaNyalla added, although this subvariant has not been declared heavier than the delta, the public still has to be vigilant.

"The XBB subvariant attack tends to be similar to the symptoms of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 in general, such as fever, cough, weakness, shortness of breath, headache, sore throat, runny nose, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. We still have to be vigilant. Don't be careless," he said.

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