
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu) calls Russia's appreciation of the G20 Indonesia Presidency a sign of good relations between the two countries, as well as the ability to harmonize with the identity of the G20 as an economic forum.

"Russia appreciates the constructive work and depolitization of Indonesia's G20 Presidential Office," wrote the Kremlin on its official website, after President Vladimir Putin spoke on the phone with President Joko Widodo on Wednesday.

Regarding this, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Teuku Faizasyah, said that the President of the Republic of Indonesia continues to communicate with every head of state member of the G20. The G20 Summit itself will be held November 15-16 in Bali.

"In carrying out its presidency, Indonesia always aligns with the identity of the G20 as a forum premiere for coal economic cooperation," explained Faizasyah in a short message, Thursday, November 3.

"The appreciation from the Russian side is also a reflection of good bilateral relations between the two countries," he continued.

Regarding the implementation of the Summit getting closer, Faizasyah said Indonesia continues to do its best for all invited delegates. "Indonesia tries to facilitate the best for more than 1000 delegation members, both from arrival at the airport, to accommodation to mobility, we provide the best facilitation," he said.

As previously reported, the G20 Indonesia Presidency became one of President Jokowi's talks with President Putin on the phone.

"The Russian side really appreciates the constructive work and depolitization of Indonesia's G20 Presidential Regulation on topical issues such as strengthening food energy and security, implementing balanced energy transitions and digital transformation of the global economy, and improving the health care system," wrote the Kremlin.

It is said that President Joko Widodo's consistent position personally in promoting a unifying agenda in the G20 is also a concern.

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