
MAKASSAR - Candidates for mayor of Makassar serial number 1 M Ramdhan Pomanto or Danny Pomanto are sure to win the Makassar Pilkada. Even though he was hit by problems because he was policed by the Jusuf Kalla (JK) family, Danny Pomanto considered the people of Makassar to be smart.

"Yes, God willing (won). People are smart, we know that in 2018 people's intelligence is proven and I think this time the community knows whether I am a victim or I have sacrificed someone else, the community knows, "Danny Pomanto told reporters after voting at TPS 1 Jalan Amirullah, Maricaya, Makassar, Wednesday, 9 December.

After voting, Danny Pomanto will monitor the progress of the vote count in all polling stations from his residence.

"Efforts are maximal, prayers are always perfect, it remains only to trust Allah if you win, if you win it is a matter of Allah, predestining us and of course prayer, God willing, wins," said Danny Pomanto, who was paired with Fatmawati Rusdi in the Makassar Regional Head Election.

Returning to the matter of the report submitted by the JK family to the South Sulawesi Regional Police, Danny Pomanto emphasized that he did not slander JK regarding Edhy Prabowo's hand arrest (OTT) operation.

"There are many public secrets in national newspapers, that's an analysis, I don't mean to insult or slander anyone, there is no intention. This is a free view as a citizen who has the right to be invited in the house unless coffee people are actually doing nothing, that's normal. Except for publishing, in a public space that is deliberately published, the same as many cases that occur, "said Danny Pomanto.

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