
JAKARTA - Former Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKP Rifaizal Samual admitted that Ferdy Sambo had intervened at the beginning of the investigation into the case of Nopriansyah Yosua Hutabarat's death alias Brigadier J.

The intervention from Ferdy Sambo began when Rifaizal Samual summoned witnesses to the incident which was referred to as a shootout.

At that time, he asked Bharada Richard totaling, Bripka Ricky Rizal, and Strong Ma'ruf about the shooter.

"I asked at that time 'who shot'. Richard immediately said'ready commander'. I did a brief interrogation," said Samual during a trial at the South Jakarta District Court, Thursday, November 3.

Then, the witness began to interrogated Bharada Richard totaling. Ferdy Sambo's former aide was asked to re-exercise the shootout

"I continued the interrogation 'Where did you do the shooting position?' (Richard replied, ed)'ready on the 2nd floor'. 'Let's tell you what the story was like'," said Samual recounting the conversation with Bharada E.

"I asked Your Honor. 'Then you see the position of the deceased now, try to practice what movement the deceased made?'," he continued.

At that time, Ferdy Sambo began to intervene. The former Head of Propam asked the witness not to be too harsh when asking Bharada Richard

"Dinda, here you are," said Samual imitating Ferdy Sambo's statement.

"Ready. General's orders," he continued.

"How many police are you," asked Ferdy Sambo.

"Ready, I will activate 2013 general. Order for us generals," replied Samual.

"You don't ride to ask Richard," said Ferdy Sambo.

At that time, Ferdy Sambi reasoned that Bharada Richard Sarjan had just passed an incident that rocked him mentally. So, the witness was asked to be more relaxed when introgating.

"He has defended my family. If you ask him that, he just experienced an incident that disturbed the content of the logic. Can you do that?" said Ferdy Sambo, which was re-entangled by Samual.

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