
After the passing of Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning the State Capital, the government began planning to hold a scenario for the transfer of state civil servants (ASN) to IKN, which will be carried out in stages starting in 2024. So the question of when ASN moves to IKN has been answered, right?

Director of State Apparatus of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas Prahesti Pandanwangi explained, at the initial stage there was an increase in the number of ASNs to be transferred to IKN Nusantara in East Kalimantan.

Initially, it was planned that 7,000 ASNs would be transferred to IKN Nusantara, but now the latest scenario is planned for 100,023 ASN from 76 ministries/institutions to be moved to the initial stage.

"In the framework of moving ASN, it will have a scenario or thought flow that is carried out together. We will see how, whether the K/L organizational unit needs an assessment and it is needed gradually to move depending on each unit," Prahesti said in a webinar, Thursday (14/4/2022).

In transferring ASN to IKN Nusantara in East Kalimantan, the state will guarantee the full life of ASN. Not only will the regions be given residence, ASN who move to IKN will also be given some supporting facilities.

In 2024, it is planned that ASNs who will be transferred will be prioritized by those aged 30-39 years (34.5%), followed by 40-49 years (28.8%), and 50-60 years (19.8%). But ASNs can breathe a sigh of relief because they can bring families including household assistants (ART) with moving rates borne by the state.

"The cost of moving to be borne are ASN and one ASN couple, two children, and one household member. Components that are financed are daily money, transfer costs, transportation costs, and waiting costs if necessary transit in Balikpapan, and so on," said Prahesti.

Office Home Facilities from the Government

A number of facilities for state civil servants (ASN) will be assigned to the State Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago in East Kalimantan. The government has prepared an agenda for adequate and sufficient housing infrastructure and infrastructure for ASN.

Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning the State Capital (UU IKN) participates in controlling the provision of official housing for ministers, high state officials, state officials, state civil servants (ASN), members of the TNI and Polri.

Specification of official residences for state officials, ASN, TNI, and Polri is as follows.

- Minister/State High Officer is given a landed house covering an area of 580 square meters.

- State officials were given a landed house covering an area of 490 square meters.

- JPT Madya/Echelon 1 is given a landed house covering an area of 390 square meters.

- JPT Pratama/Echelon 2 is given a flat covering an area of 290 square meters.

- Administrator/Echelon 3 is given a flat covering an area of 190 square meters.

- Functional officials and other staff were given a flat covering an area of 98 square meters.

So after knowing when ASN will move to IKN, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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