
JAKARTA - The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) reminded the public to be aware of the impact of Tropical Storm 93S which can trigger extreme weather in Sumatra and Java.

"Extreme weather can be shown through rain that falls with intensity varying from moderate to extreme which can also occur sporadically and persistently," said BRIN Center for Climate and Atmospheric Research, Dr Erma Yulihastin in a statement in Jakarta, Thursday, November 3, quoted from Antara.

Sporadic rain occurs in a short duration of less than an hour, but has a high intensity. Meanwhile, persistent rain occurs if the duration of the rain is more than six hours with intensity varying from light to extreme rain.

In addition to sporadic or persistent rains, extreme weather in the form of strong winds threatens a number of areas in Sumatra, especially northern Sumatra.

"Extreme rain accompanied by strong winds has the potential to occur in the region because of the formation of a storm patterned with rain lines or called a squall line which was originally formed along the west coast of Sumatra from Aceh to Bengkulu," he said.

The storm squad line that was formed in northern Sumatra has the potential to even continue to spread to the northeast to reach the Malacca Strait and cause extreme rain and strong winds in a number of areas in Malaysia.

This condition can last for several days because it is influenced by preconditions for the formation of vortex storms in the Indian Ocean close to the northern part of Sumatra.

"People in northern Sumatra are asked to increase their awareness of the increase in extreme weather that could occur due to the formation of the storm," he said.

He explained that the weather pattern in Indonesia still has a pattern similar to October 2022 which is more influenced by the dynamics of vortex storms in the Indian Ocean.

The formation and decay of vortex storms will be the main controller of the weather, so heavy rain and strong winds have the potential to occur in western Indonesia, especially Sumatra and Java.

BRIN's Center for Climate and Atmospheric Research is developing a data-based Early Study of the Indonesian Intermediate Season (Kamajaya) from the Decision Support System to find out the potential season in Indonesia.

The data shows that during the first basic period (1-10 November) there is the potential for the formation of vortex storms in the Indian Ocean near Sumatra. This is evidenced by monitoring of the Himawari cloud satellites.

Based on the results of this monitoring, today there has been the formation of a vortex storm that has been categorized as tropical depression or tropical cyclone seeds called 93S in the Indian Ocean near central Sumatra, said Erma Yulihastin.

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