
JAKARTA - Senior lawyer Otto Cornelis (OC) Kaligis was present at the trial of the obstruction of juctice case with the defendants Hendra Kurniawan and Agus Nurpata. As it turned out, OC Kaligis was the legal advisor to the former Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Police, Ridwan Rhynellson Soplanit.

Ridwan Rhekynellson Soplanit was presented at the trial as one of the witnesses in the obstruction of juctice case aka the obstruction to the investigation into the premeditated murder of Nopriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J.

"I was present because I had an interest," Kaligis told reporters, Thursday, November 3.

In addition, OC Kaligis also mentioned the trial of his client's Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP). He said Ridwan Rhekynellson Soplanit would appeal the ethical trial decision.

"The memorandum of appeal will be submitted tomorrow, Friday, November 4," he said.

The reason behind the appeal was because OC Kaligis thought his client was not involved in the drug of justice case of Brigadier J's death.

"We want clients to be released," said Kaligis.

For information, Ridwan Rhyrnellson Soplanit was found guilty at the KKEP ethics trial. He was sanctioned with demotion for eight years at the end of last September.

Ridwan was proven unprofessional when conducting an investigation into the alleged murder of Brigadier J at the Police Complex, Duren Tiga, South Jakarta.

Ridwan is considered proven guilty of violating Article 13 paragraph 1 and/or Article 5 paragraph 1 letter B and/or Article 6 paragraph 1 letter D and/or Article 10 paragraph 2 letter A of Perpol Number 7 of 2022 concerning the Code of Ethics of Professionals and the Police Code of Ethics Commission.

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