Member of the PAN faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Lukmanul Hakim, regretted the condition of residents of Duri Kosambi Village, Cengkareng, West Jakarta, who are still having trouble getting access to clean water.
Based on the results of a visit to the location, Lukman said that the water supply for PAM Jaya services flowed to the area was quite minimal. So, some residents are forced to buy clean water at a fairly expensive price.
"Just imagine, all residents in Duri Kosambi Village who I visited were PAM Jaya loyal customers. However, to get clean water, residents had to wait until late at night," said Lukman, Wednesday, November 2.
Lukman then asked the President Director of PAM Jaya Arief Nasrudin to prepare a solution for residents affected by the difficulty of clean water.
"Hopefully, after the visit of the President Director of PAM Jaya, Mr. Arif Nasrudin to residential areas, it will be easy for residents to get access to fair clean water for their daily needs," said Lukman.
Responding to this, PAM Jaya's President Director, Arief Nasrudin, said that the Duri Kosambi area is the farthest location from the transmission point of PAM Jaya's execution to facilitate clean water in the area, because this location is still managed by the private sector, namely Palyja.
"So, this cosambi thorn is the location that is indeed the furthest location of Pam Jaya's execution transmission point which is still managed by Palyja, so there are 4 left there," he said.
Arief regretted that Playja had not yet made water stock management to be flowed to the area of Duri Kosambi due to hampered location fees.
"Of course there needs to be stock management, water management that is in accordance with what can be applied to the Duri Kosambi area," said Arief.
Therefore, Arief admitted that his party would do several things to achieve clean water in Duri Kosambi. One of them is coordinating with the Transportation Service.
"I have contacted the head of the Transportation Service and have checked what the development will be like if they can allocate it for PAM Jaya to build a reservoir, I will try to build a reservoir to build water management in Duri Kosambi," he explained.
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