
JAKARTA - Minister of Health (Menkes) Budi Gunadi Sadikin, reported the progress of handling cases of acute kidney failure to Commission IX of the DPR in a meeting at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, November 2. Budi said, so far the Ministry of Health has submitted hundreds of medicines to the DKI Labkesda and Labfor Polri to be tested. He also said that the addition of cases decreased after there was a ban on the use of sirop drugs. "Of the 325 patients, we have managed to collect 232 drugs, these brands can be the same, depending on the type and level. And we have also conveyed to the BPOM to be testable and the DKI Labkesda, also to the Polri Labfor to be tested," said Budi. Budi explained that kidney failure in children could be lethal because there was contamination of ethilen chemical compound glycol. These findings are based on tests at BPOM, Labkesda DKI, and Labfor Polri.

"The results are that most of the chemical ethylene glycol which is a spruce or solvent material commonly used for medicines," he continued.

In addition, the Ministry of Health has concluded that the drugs consumed by acute kidney failure patients are likely to be exposed to harmful chemical compounds from taken sirop drugs. This conclusion, said Budi, is based on the analysis of patient toxicology. Budi said the Ministry of Health continues to coordinate with BPOM so that case investigations are completed. "The granting of permission to consume medicines that is declared safe will be carried out in stages, adjusted to the results of the BPOM laboratory examination," he concluded.

Apart from the Minister of Health, in this meeting with Commission IX of the DPR, the Head of BPOM Penny Lukito, the Head of IDAI Piprim Basarah, the Joint Secretary General of the Pharmacy Company Andreas Bayu Aji, the Executive Director of IPMG Inge Kusuma was also present. The meeting was chaired by the Chairman of Commission IX of the DPR Felly Estelita.

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