
JAKARTA - South Korea's military on Wednesday denounced North Korea's missile launch, which for the first time landed in an area close to South Seoul's territorial waters since the distribution of the peninsula more than seven decades ago.

North Korea launched at least three short-range ballistic missiles (SRBM) into the East Sea, one of which flew across the de facto maritime border with South Korea, according to the Ginseng State military.

South Korea's military Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) said the missile launch was carried out from a site in or around the eastern coastal city of Wonsan, North Korea was detected at around 08:51 local time.

"The launch of North Korea's missile, which marks the first time since the division of the peninsula that landed near our territorial waters south of the Northern Limit Line, is very rare and intolerable," the JCS said in a press release. November 2.

"Our military vowed to respond firmly to this (provocation)," he added.

One of the three SRBMs fell into the high seas 26 kilometers south of the Northern Limit Line (NLL), an area 57 km east of Sokcho City in the east of the South and 167 km northwest of Ulleung Island near Dokdo, according to JCS.

The missile headed to the island before falling into international seas, prompting the local government to issue an airstrike warning.

The sirens erupted on Ulleung Island at around 8:55 a.m., prompting residents to rush to the basement and shelter.

North Korea's newest provocation comes as Seoul and Washington conduct military exercises 'Vigiant Storm' involving more than 240 planes across the peninsula's sky, part of efforts to strengthen a precautionary stance against North Korea's threat.

Pyongyang has long denounced joint military exercises between Seoul and Washington as a training ground for an invasion.

In addition, tensions have risen on the peninsula in recent weeks, with Pyongyang launching several missile launches and artillery fire amid fears, the country will soon conduct its seventh nuclear test.

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