JAKARTA - President University (Presuniv) Chancellor Prof. Dr. Chairy said that his party always educates students to become honest human beings. He hopes that all Presuniv dropouts will be able to produce works that have an impact on society.
This was conveyed by Chairia during her 17th graduation which was held at the President University Convention Center (PUCC), Jababeka Education Park, Jababeka industrial area, Cikarang.
"The Indonesian nation needs more young people who have integrity, are getting more agile, and are able to make differences in society," he said in an electronic message received in Jakarta, Tuesday, November 1.
For him, this graduation moment is very special. First, the graduation procession was held offline, after two years in advance (2020 and 2021) was conducted online. Second, this graduation was also carried out to coincide with the age of Presuniv which had reached 20 years.
However, in order to reduce the crowd at graduation, Presuniv held a graduation twice, namely in the morning and afternoon. Presuniv graduated 1,181 new graduates. This number increased by approximately 40 percent compared to the previous year.
In his message to the graduates, Chairy alluded to the COVID pandemic which has not yet completely ended. The pandemic, continued Chairy, is still a challenge for the Indonesian people and the world.
"As a challenge, the COVID-19 pandemic is like a door that we have to open. Once the door opens, we will see various possibilities that can actually become a stepping stone for us to jump even higher," he explained.
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