
West Lombok Police have begun to tighten surveillance in and out of people and goods to and from Bali. Monitoring includes the 'rat route' to the Island of the Gods.

West Lombok Police Chief AKBP Wirasto Adi Nugroho said that this step to tighten supervision was his party's effort to face the G20 Summit which will be held in Bali on November 15-16, 2022.

"There are 10 rat lanes and most of them are in the Sekotong area, this is a place that we monitor so it is hoped that later people's traffic can be monitored and tightened during the G20 Summit," Adi said in West Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), quoted from Antara, Tuesday, November 1.

In the implementation of the G20 Summit, Adi said the NTB Regional Police and the West Lombok Police included the buffer security section. Therefore, routine activities of the West Lombok Police are increased.

These activities include preemptive, preventive, and repressive efforts focused on port entrances.

For the West Lombok Regency area, there is an official port called the Lembar Harbor. However, there are several rat lanes, aka alternative routes.

"Actually, this activity has been carried out routinely at all times, but we will increase it ahead of the implementation of the G20 Summit in Bali, with the hope that its implementation will be safe," he said.

Adi said preemptive activities also involve Community Development Units to create conditions by making visits and providing understanding to the public to participate in the success of the G20 Summit.

Meanwhile, repressive measures are taken if they find legal cases in the field, then followed up with law enforcement.

Especially in the Lembar Harbor area, the West Lombok Police Samapta Team also involved two sniffer dogs to sniff out people's belongings that would pass to Bali during the G20 Summit.

"This is related to terror threats and radical groups. We have trained two sniffer dogs. These two dogs can track explosives and narcotics," he said.

Regarding the involvement of personnel, Wirasto said as many as 40 personnel from the West Lombok Police were involved to help secure conditions ahead of the Bali G20 Summit.

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