
MEULABOH - The West Aceh Regency Government is now investigating indications of cuts in food and drink incentive funds for a number of COVID-19 medical officers who work at puskesmas.

"We're still exploring," said West Aceh District Secretary Marhaban in Meulaboh, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, December 8.

The alleged deduction is IDR 1.8 million per person per month, with revenue rations from March to July 2020.

According to Marhaban, this check is to ensure the correctness of the information that has been circulating, as well as to take appropriate steps related to the problem.

Meanwhile, medical officers handling COVID-19 in West Aceh admitted that the honorarium they received and the incentive for food and drink for COVID-19 officers were cut by certain individuals.

"What we signed was the receipt of Rp. 6 million per person per month, but what was given to us was Rp. 4.2 million per person per month," said Keumala (not his real name), a medical officer who was the victim of the deduction.

Keumala was quoted by Antara as admitting that the funds he should receive together with a number of COVID-19 medical officers in West Aceh amounted to IDR 6 million per person per month, according to proof of receipt of money.

However, when it was submitted, it received Rp. 4.2 million per person per month.

"We also wonder why it was cut, even though the signing was six million, instead we were given four million two hundred per person per month," said Keumala.

He admitted that the incentive funds that were allegedly cut were from March to July 2020.

Separately, the Head of the Health Office of West Aceh Regency, Syarifah Junaidah, confirmed that some time ago, his party had indeed distributed food and drink incentive funds and transportation to paramedics who were assigned to the community service in West Aceh.

According to him, each health center in West Aceh has 13 health workers who are tasked with treating COVID-19 patients.

However, Syarifah Junaidah was not prepared to provide further explanations regarding the reports on the alleged deduction of funds.

"I will first collect the head of the puskesmas, if it is clear, I will notify the media," said Syarifah Junaidah.

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