
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Navy has prepared 12 KRIs as security for the G20 Summit in Bali, 15-16 November 2022. "This is to secure state leaders so that we must really prepare ships that are ready for combat," said KSAL Admiral TNI Yudo Margono after inaugurating the Integrated TNI Fuel Filling Station (SPBT) I at the Kodamar Headquarters, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta, Monday, October 31. However, Yudo did not explain what ships would be deployed to secure the activities of the G20 Summit. According to Yudo, the 12 Indonesian Navy warships will be placed within a radius of 12 miles in the waters of Bali and its surroundings. "Then we cover them again outside with larger ships. Of course, it will guard against things that are likely to be bad from the open sea or from the ZEE (Exclusive Economic Zones)," he said. In addition to warships, the number of personnel deployed is about 3,000 people, including KRI crews as well as several units, such as Lantamal V Surabaya, Lanal Banyuwangi, Lanal Denpasar, Marines, and other combined elements from Koarmada I, II, and III.

"Including the aircraft, all the KRI combatants who have 'heideck' I ordered to carry all the helicopters so that they can be integrated, then there are special troops from Denjaka and Kopaska who are 'on board' at the KRI," said Yudo. The former Commander of Kogabwilan I added that in the near future there will be a "tactical floor game (TFG) to finalize the preparation for the security of the G20 Summit." I as the coach, I want to know how the Commander of Koarmada II Admiral TNI T.S.B. Hutabarat as Commander of the Sea Task Force (Dansatgasla) is in organizing the security of the G20 with the combined elements of the 1, 2, and 3 fleets with marine personnel so I have to confirm how much is projected, "said Yudo.

The 17th G20 Summit will be held in Bali on November 15-16, 2022. The summit is the culmination of the intensive processes and businesses of all G20 workflows (Meetings at the Ministerial, Working Groups, and Engagement Groups) during the year of Indonesian Chairship.

The theme raised by Indonesia in the 2022 G20 Presidency is "Recover Together, Recover Stronger". Through this theme, the Government of Indonesia wants to invite the whole world to work hand in hand, support each other to recover together, and grow stronger and more sustainable. The three main priority issues raised at the meeting are the global health architecture, the continuous energy transition, digital transformation, and the economy. G20 is a multilateral cooperation forum consisting of 19 major countries and the European Union. The G20 represents more than 60 percent of the earth's population, 75 percent of global trade, and 80 percent of the world's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). G20 members consist of South Africa, United States, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Germany, Canada, Republic of Korea, Russia, France, France, China, Turkey, and the European Union.

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