
SUKABUMI - The Sukabumi City Police Detective and Criminal Unit together with the Sukaraja Police are hunting for a motorcycle gang member who beat him to death, a young man named Cecep (20) in the Sukaraja District, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Sunday, at around 01.00 WIB.

"The Sukabumi City Police Satreskrim personnel and the Sukaraja Police have conducted a crime scene (TKP) and asked for information from a number of witnesses regarding the case of abuse to death and are pursuing the alleged perpetrator," said Sukabumi City Police Chief AKBP SY Zainal Abidin, Sunday, October 30. According to Zainal, the victim, who is a resident of Perbawati Village, Sukabumi District, Sukabumi Regency, had received intensive care from the medical team of R Syamsudin SH Hospital Sukabumi City, but because the injuries he experienced were severe, the young man finally breathed his last at the hospital at around 10.30 WIB on Sunday, October 30. Information gathered from the police, the beating began when the victim and two of his colleagues namely Aryanata Dimanggala (17) and Muhamad Rizki (17) rode on two motorbikes to the Gegerbitung District, Sukabumi Regency from the direction of Sukabumi City at around 01.00 WIB.

When passing the Ciaul gas station, Cikole District, Sukabumi City, they passed by a group of motorbike cyclists who were suspected to be members of a motorcycle gang that he was then chased. Victims and colleagues tried to escape, but unfortunately when they entered the Sukaraja sub-district, Sukabumi Regency they were caught up and their motorbikes were kicked by the perpetrator until they fell. The two victims immediately got up and ran to the residents' settlements, but unfortunately Cecep did not manage to escape and eventually became the target of the motorcycle cycling gang until they were unconscious. Arya and Rizki only dared to get out of their hiding place about half an hour later and saw his colleague, namely Cecep, being helped by residents to be rushed to R Syamsudin SH Hospital. "We have already pocketed the characteristics of the perpetrators and hope to be caught soon. Meanwhile, the motives of the suspects for the abuse of the victims are still under development," he added. Zainal asked the people living in his jurisdiction to remain calm and entrust the handling of the case to the Sukabumi City Police. If residents know or see the incident and recognize the perpetrators to immediately report to the nearest police station or contact via telephone at 110. He also appealed to residents who traveled at night and used motorbikes in particular at night to always be vigilant and careful. If you see a group or gang of suspicious people to immediately contact the police.

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