
The West Jakarta Metro Police have carried out a large-scale police patrol using a two-wheeled vehicle on Saturday night, October 29. Patrols targeted a number of crowded places and residential areas prone to security and social order.

West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pasma Royce said motorized patrol activities were to monitor the situation of Kamtibmas and residents who were still active at night.

"The patrol uses two-wheeled vehicles to be more effective in entering residential areas," said Kombes Pasma when confirmed, Sunday, October 30.

The patrols, he said, were an effort to anticipate crimes including theft by weight (stealing), violent theft (curas) and theft of motorbikes (curanmor) and thuggery.

"I hope that apart from the apparatus, the participation and active role of residents and elements of society, together to create an environmental security system. Therefore, we need to jointly protect it," he said.

This random motorbike patrol also aims to get input from direct complaints from the public.

The locations carried out by patrols include Jalan Mangga Dua Raya, Jalan Pinangsia Raya towards Jalan Raya Hayam Wuruk, Jalan Raya Gajah Mada, Jalan Raya Gajah Mada to Jalan Kepurean IV Glodok, Jalan Kepurean I to Jalan Raya Gajah Mada and back to the Fatahillah Museum or the Pinangsia Sub-Sector Police.

Patrols also combed residential areas in the RW 04 area of Pinangsia Village, RW 04 Maphar Village, RW 07 Krukut Village and RW 01 Glodok Village.

"Patrol is to minimize the occurrence of criminal acts so that our territory will be safe and conducive. By patrolling, we can interact directly in providing services to the community," he said.

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