
North Jakarta Police deployed a number of personnel in the field of medicine and health (biddokkes) to participate in investigating the cause of atypical progressive acute kidney failure (acute boy injury/AKI) in North Jakarta.

"From our medicine, there is this Biddokkes, also checking what caused the child to suffer from acute kidney failure," said Deputy Head of North Jakarta Metro Police Adjunct Senior Commissioner of Police Erlin Tang Jaya at the North Jakarta Metro Police Headquarters, Friday, October 28.

Erlin said that later personnel would record victims suspected of having acute progressive kidney failure in each region.

According to Erlin, four suspected children of the mysterious disease have been in North Jakarta. It is estimated that the four children are in the age range of 1-8 years, three are male and one female and are in the Cilincing and Tanjung Priok areas.

"We are still recording all residents of North Jakarta whose children have acute kidney failure. Indeed, if I'm not mistaken, there are approximately four, in the North Jakarta area, which has acute kidney failure," said Erlin.

However, kidney failure in the suspected case in the North Jakarta area is still being investigated. Erlin did not mention the conclusions that could be drawn from the investigation carried out, but now most of the paracetamol sirop drugs have been withdrawn from the market.

Previously, the DKI Jakarta Health Office recorded 135 children affected by acute progressive kidney failure (AKI) during the January-October 2022 period.

Widyastuti revealed that out of a total of 135 cases of mysterious acute kidney failure toddlers, 63 toddlers died, 46 toddlers recovered and the rest were still undergoing treatment.

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