
YOGYAKARTA - Three New Autonomous Regions (DOB) Papua will be inaugurated at the end of October 2022. However, Tito Karnavian, Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri), confirmed the exact time and perhaps early November.

The three DOBs in Papua include Central Papua, Papua Mountains, and South Papua. The expansion of Papua into three provinces was inaugurated by the government after the DPR ratified the Draft Law on the New Autonomy of Papu on June 30, 2022.

The expansion of the three DOBs in Papua is a priority for the government in line with the many DOB proposals from other regions. Currently, there are 324 DOB proposals that are included in the Ministry of Home Affairs, both provincial and district and city DOBs.

The Ministry of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian said the expansion program for three new regions in Papua continues to be accelerated. He said the goal of the expansion was to overcome welfare problems in Papua given the stability of security and underdeveloped development.

President Joko Widodo also said that the expansion of the three Papuan DOBs aims to create equitable development. Another hope for this expansion can facilitate the reach of services in Papua, which has a very wide area. This was conveyed at the Lukas Enembe Stadium, Jayapura, last August.

A similar statement was also made by Deputy Minister of Home Affairs John Wempi Wetipo. He said the geographical condition of Papua which has caused development to be hampered enough, resulting in widespread welfare and infrastructure procurement in various sectors.

According to him, the expansion of the DOB in Papua is part of the implementation of Law Number 2 of 2021 concerning Special Autonomy (Otsus) for the province. With the establishment of a DOB, it is hoped that various developments in Papua will run faster.

The list of districts that are part of the Papuan DOB has been ratified in the law. The following are districts that are included in the parts of Central Papua, Papua Mountains, and South Papua.

There are as many as eight regencies that are included in the Central Papua Province, including Nabire Regency as capital, Mimika Regency, Paniai Regency, Dogiyai Regency, Deyai Regency, Intan Jaya Regency, Puncak Regency, Puncak Jaya Regency.

Papua Province has eight regencies, including Wamena Regency as the capital city, Lanny Jaya Regency, Central Mamberamo Regency, Nduga Regency, Tolikara Regency, Yahukimo Regency, Yalimo Regency, Bintang Mountains Regency.

South Papua Province covers four districts, including Merauke Regency which is the capital city, Asmat Regency, Mappi Regency, Boven Digoel Regency.

That is the purpose of establishing a new autonomous region of Papua and a list of districts included in the regions of Central Papua, Papua Mountains, and South Papua. The inauguration of the DOB in Papua will be carried out by the Ministry of Home Affairs at the end of October or early November.

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