
JAKARTA - The Betawi Community Consultative Body (Bamus Betawi) made its first visit to the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono. Openly, Bamus Betawi fully supports Heru Budi's leadership in managing DKI.

"Our gathering with the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono, is to convey support to the duo of Acting Heru and DKI Regional Secretary Marullah to successfully lead the arrangement in Jakarta," said Bamus Betawi Chairman Riano P Ahmad in a written statement, Thursday 27 October.

Bamus Betawi visited Heru Budi at Jakarta City Hall on Wednesday, October 26. The gathering was led by the Chairman of the Betawi Bamus Customary Council H Nuri Thaher.

Riano admitted that he was no stranger to the figure of Heru because he had been a state civil servant (ASN) who for a long time had a career in the DKI Provincial Government before then served as Head of the Presidential Secretariat at the State Palace.

Heru is known to have served as Mayor of North Jakarta in 2014. Furthermore, in 2015 Heru had held an important position as Head of the DKI Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD).

"I think Pak Heru, apart from being very experienced in the government, also has a wide network in Jakarta. We welcome him because he'returns' to DKI and supports him to lead Jakarta," he said.

Previously, Heru expressed his gratitude for the visit of the Bamus Betawi gathering. He hopes that the friendship will be a good first step for him in carrying out the DKI Provincial Government program.

"Thank you for the visit of Bamus Betawi to DKI City Hall today (October 26). I received them directly. Hopefully in the future, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government can work better with Bamus Betawi to jointly advance the city of Jakarta," Heru said on his personal Instagram account @herubudihartono.

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