
YOGYAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) is working on three dam projects in the State Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago. Currently, only one dam is being carried out, namely the Sepaku Semoi Dam in Penajem Paser Utara Regency, East Kalimantan.

The construction of the Sepaku Semoi Dam has reached 71.33 percent. The dam project is targeted to be completed in January 2023. The construction process is running quite smoothly, only experiencing rain problems that disrupt the work.

"To this day, the physical achievements of the construction of this dam have reached 71.33 percent. We can complete it according to our target," said Irene Lucas, Technical Implementation of Commitment Making Officers (PPK) of the Sepaku Semoi Dam, as reported by Antara.

The Sepaku Semoi Dam was built with a plan to meet the water needs of the people in Sepaku District. The government then designated the construction of this dam as a National Strategic Project (PSN) through Presidential Regulation Number 109 of 2020.

The water source accommodated by the Sepaku Semoi Dam flows from the Tengin River. This dam will also be used as a tourist spot. Irene Lucas revealed that her party must regulate the distribution of special areas and public areas. The public area will be provided as a tourist visit.

The dam, which is located in Tengin Baru Village, has a capacity of 10 million cubic meters with a dam length of 450 meters. The dam with the type of homogeneous soil decline is targeted to reduce flooding by 55 percent.

This dam construction project requires a budget of IDR 556 billion for the construction period in 2020-2023. President Joko Widodo asked for the construction of the dam to be accelerated so that it could be completed in January 2023.

President Jokowi paid a visit to IKN Nusantara to review the construction project of the Sepaku Semoi Dam. In addition to dams, the President will check a number of supporting infrastructures in the IKN area, starting from land preparation to nurseries.

Jokowi made a visit to IKN Nusantara after the Pre Market Sounding of the IKN Project. In the evening event, Jokowi has met with investors and made offers or capital.

The Ministry of PUPR will also build the Batu Lepek Dam after the Sepaku Semoi Dam is completed. The Batu Lepek Dam is located in Kutai Kartanegara Regency.

The content of Batu Lepek has the largest capacity, including other dams. The capacity of this dam is 230 million cubic meters and a capacity of 14,300 liters per second. The dam is used to meet the needs of clean water.

The Ministry of PUPR will also build the Asalanyu Dam located in Sepaku District, East Kalimantan. This dam is also used as a clean water reservoir in IKN.

The source of the Asalyu Dam is still in the same river with the Sepaku Semoi Dam. However, the location for the construction of the Asalanyu Dam is tens of kilometers from the Sepak Sepoi Dam.

Asalanyu Dam has a river water discharge of up to 3,900 liters per second. In addition, this dam will also be equipped with a Water Treatment Plant (WTC) for drinking water management.

That is the progress or development of the Dam project at IKN which is targeted for completion in January 2023. The Ministry of PUPR will build as many as three dams to deal with flooding, including the Asalanyu Dam and the Batu Lepek Dam.

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