
JAKARTA - Putri Candrawathi's legal advisory team denied Kamaruddin Simanjuntak's statement regarding Ferdy Sambo's wife who was said to have shot Nopriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J with a German-made firearm (senpi).

Originally, the statement was conveyed by Kamaruddin when he was a witness for the defendant Richard totaling Bharada E.

"We strongly deny it," said Putri Candrawathi's legal adviser, Febri Diansyah, to reporters, Wednesday, October 26.

According to him, Kamaruddin's testimony was not based on valid evidence. Because, when examined by the panel of judges, information about the sources appeared unclear.

In addition, when referring to the case file and indictment, Putri is said to be in the room. So, it is considered impossible to shoot Brigadier J.

"So there are many arguments to firmly refute these accusations. There should not be slander in this process," he said.

Then, still referring to the indictment, continued Febri, there are no other names suspected of being shooters except Bharada Richard totaling and Ferdy Sambo.

So, later in the trial, who actually carried out the shooting will be tested.

"In the case file, there is not a single clue or evidence that shows that there are other parties suspected of being shooters," said Febri.

For information, at yesterday's trial, Kamaruddin testified that Putri Candrawathi also shot Brigadier J. This was said based on the results of his investigation.

"But then we found a new fact that the one who shot was Ferdy Sambo and Richard totaling or Bharada Richard totaling along with Putri Candrawati," said Kamaruddin.

The Panel of Judges again questioned about Putri Chandrawathi who also shot Bharada E.

"PC was involved in shooting?" asked the judge with the defendant Bharada E.

"Yes, because there was a weapon suspected of being made in Germany," replied Kamaruddin

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