JAKARTA - The Indonesian Political Opinion (IPO) national survey institute released the results of a survey related to the electability of presidential candidates (candidates) towards the 2024 political constellation. As a result, in the scheme of 20 names of presidential candidates, the General Chairperson of the Gerindra Party won in the top position with 24.2 percent.
"First, Prabowo Subianto 24.2 percent, second, Anies Baswedan 21.5 percent, third, Ganjar Pranowo 18.7 percent," said the survey released by the IPO Executive Director, Dedi Kurnia Syah, Wednesday, October 26.
In the next position is Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono with 7.4 percent, fifth Puan Maharani 41.1 percent, sixth Airlangga Hartarto 3.6 percent, and seventh Ridwan Kamil 3.1 percent.
Eighth, there were Sandiaga Uno 2.6 percent, the ninth Muhaimin Iskandar 2.4 percent, the tenth Khofifah Indar Parawansa 1.2 percent, the eleven Susi Pudjiastuti 1.1 percent, the eleventh Andika Perkasa 1.0 percent.
Next is Erick Tohir 0.9 percent, followed by Zulkifli Hasan 0.5 percent, Tri Rismaharini 0.4 percent, TGB M Zainul Majdi 0.3 percent, Ahmad Syaikhu 0.1 percent, finally Moeldoko and Mardiono did not get vote support.
The IPO survey was conducted in the period 19-24 October 2022 involving 1,200 respondents spread nationally. The IPO uses random sheet tools after determining a number of villages to be used as samples.
The survey method has a margin of error of 2.90 percent with a data accuracy rate of 95 percent. The sample uses multistage random sampling techniques.
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