Women's Murder In Kalideres Terungkap, Perpetrator Of Jewelry Victims To Pay Debt
Suspect F, killer and female robber in Kalideres, West Jakarta/ Photo: IST


The West Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit arrested the perpetrator of the murder of a woman with the initials SM (55) that occurred in the Kamal area, Kalideres, West Jakarta.

"The perpetrator with the initials F (36) was arrested in the Tegal area, Central Java on Monday night, October 24. Then the perpetrator was taken to the West Jakarta Police Headquarters for further investigation," said West Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head Kompol Haris Kurniawan when confirmed, Tuesday, October 25.

After examining the suspect, the motive for the murder was due to heartache between the perpetrator and the victim.

"Currently, as many as 10 witnesses have been examined. The results lead to the arrest of the perpetrator with the initials F," he said.

In addition to killing the victim, the perpetrator also robbed the victim's valuables. After seeing the victim dead, the perpetrator immediately robbed the victim's gold jewelry, necklaces and earrings from his body.

"The perpetrator saw the victim wearing jewelry, earrings necklace bracelets, the perpetrator took the victim's jewelry. Then left the scene," he said.

After carrying out the action, the perpetrator had sold the victim's gold from the 30 gram robbery.

"12 grams have been sold at a price of Rp. 13.8 million. The money was used by the perpetrator to buy cellphones and pay debts. Meanwhile, the evidence confiscated from the perpetrator was the remaining gold and the money from the sale of gold belonging to the victim which was sold by the perpetrator," he said.

As a result of his actions, the perpetrator with the initials F was charged with Article 338 of the Criminal Code regarding murder and 365 of the Criminal Code regarding theft with violence.

"The threat of punishment, 15 years to life imprisonment," he said.

As previously reported, a woman with the initials S (54) was found dead in her house in the Kalideres area, West Jakarta. Police said that the victim died from falling.

Kalideres Police Chief AKP Syafri Wasdar said the victim was found dead on Friday, October 21. Based on the initial examination, there were no sharp object wounds.

"The provisional assumption may have been that the wound was caused by him falling or something because the post-mortem results from the hospital had not been released but this was due to blunt objects," said Syafri when confirmed, Sunday, October 23.

The incident began with residents who were suspicious of the victim's house looking dark, even though it had passed Maghrib. On that basis, the witness and his neighbors tried to enter, it turned out to be true, the victim was found dead.

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