
The basic infrastructure of the State Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago in East Kalimantan (Kaltim) is being heavily built by the government. The construction of roads, drainage, bridges, raw water intake, settlements by workers is carried out in the middle of the forest.

So where are the goals of the construction workers at IKN Nusantara if they experience health problems or illness?

IKN Nusantara was built in Sepaku District, North Penajam Paser Regency (PPU). While construction workers who were working on IKN were sick, the PPU Regency Government (Pemkab) had prepared a health service center in Sepaku District.

Regional Secretary of the PPU Regency Government, Tohar said, the health service center was in the form of a Regional General Hospital or Sepaku Hospital, as well as the Bukit Raya Village Health Center in Sepaku District.

He said the PPU Regency Government formed a health service center for IKN Nusantara infrastructure development workers in Sepaku District to serve the large number of workers for infrastructure development to come.

The Sepaku type D hospital which was built before Sepaku District was designated as the core area of the Nusantara IKN is in Sukaraja Village.

Tohar said the PPU Regency Government would improve the infrastructure for the Sepaku Hospital. The budget of around Rp. 60 billion has been submitted to the Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency.

The PPU Regency Government has also prepared medical personnel as an effort to anticipate the increase in the need for health services at IKN Nusantara. The fulfillment of specialist doctors at the Sepaku Hospital is in collaboration with third parties. Meanwhile, the management of resources is handled directly by the PPU Regency Government.

Malaria is a scourge when in a green area or near a forest, Tohar admitted that the PPU Regency Government has anticipated it with health protection for IKN Nusantara construction workers.

Tohar said the construction site for the Nusantara IKN was in the industrial forest area of PT ITCHI Hutani Manunggal (IHM) which had a high risk of malaria from the bite of the Anopheles mosquito.

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