
The joint patrol team of the West Purwokerto Police and the Banyumas Police Resmob Unit succeeded in thwarting an attempted motorcycle theft (curanmor) at Karanglewas Market, West Purwokerto, Banyumas Regency.

The perpetrators of this theft attempt are lovers with the initials RDS residents of Bekasi, West Java and SN (23), residents of Jayakerta District, Karawang Regency, West Java.

The Head of the West Purwokerto Police, AKP R Gunung Krido W, explained that on Sunday, October 23 at around 02.00 WIB, the Banyumas Police Resmob team together with members of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the West Purwokerto Police carried out patrols in the Karanglewas Market area to investigate the motorcycle theft incident allegedly carried out by two couples (male and female).

Not long after at around 03.00 WIB, the patrol team found suspicious men and women visiting motorbikes parked in the market.

"The female perpetrator was monitoring the surrounding situation, while the male perpetrator RDS was trying to break the ignition key of the vehicle", said the police chief in his statement, Monday, October 24.

When the team was about to make an arrest, the RDS perpetrator was suspicious of the arrival of the members and immediately fled. Meanwhile, the perpetrator SN was arrested along with evidence of a pink Honda Beat motorcycle belonging to the victim SPN, a resident of Pangebatan Village, Kec. Karanglewas.

"Currently, we have secured SN perpetrators along with evidence, but the RDS perpetrators had fled and are now DPOs," said the police chief.

From the results of the development, the alleged perpetrator of SN also admitted that previously he had committed theft on August 28, 2022, with his girlfriend (RDS).

"The perpetrator also admitted that he had carried out the same action last August with the results of a black Honda Beat theft with the number R-6239-YJ in the parking lot behind the Karanglewas market", he explained.

For his actions, the perpetrator is threatened with the criminal act of theft with a weight (CUranmor) as referred to in Article 363 of the Criminal Code.

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