
JAKARTA - Brigadier J's attorney, Kamaruddin Simanjuntak, testified to the murder case of his client at the South Jakarta District Court (Jaksel), Tuesday, October 25. In his witness, Kamarudin claimed that while in Magelang, Central Java, Putri Chandrawathi teased Brigadier J. “ I know my friends that the premeditated murder that has been planned since Magelang. There is information that the defendant PC teased the deceased. Then Alamarum didn't want to and went out, said Kamaruddin in the South Jakarta District Court (PN) courtroom. " “ Then we got more information that the defendant Strong Ma'ruf was holding a knife. He was shown to the deceased," he continued. Kamaruddin also said that in his testimony, Ferdy Sambo and Putri Chandrawathi had a fight. This happened because of the problems of other women. “ Before a day there was an argument on 6-7 Ferdy Sambo with his wife. (The cause) Because of women, ” he said Then the one who reported the affair was Brigadier J to Putri Chandrawathi. C “ That it is suspected that the deceased gave information to the PC's mother, the father had a woman. The information I got was that I got a PC mother in Saguling's house, Sambo in Bangka (separate house), ” the lid.

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