
JAKARTA - Chairman of Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) Sugeng Teguh Santoso asked for an investigation into the tragedy of Kanjuruhan which killed 135 Arema FC supporters, not stopping the three suspects from among the committee.

However, IPW asked law enforcement officials to trace other parties suspected of having criminal links.

IPW also urges Bareskrim Polri and Polda Jatim to explore the role of PSSI General Chair Mochamad Iriawan (Iwan Bule) and the Exco PSSI ranks associated with criminal elements articles 359 and 360 KUHP and if there is sufficient fact, don't hesitate to be named suspects.

"Although in the regulation it is stated that the responsibility for the implementation of the competition if problems arise lies with the Implementing Committee (Panpel), in the tragedy of the Attorney General's Office, investigators have appointed the director of PT Liga Indonesia Baru (LIB) Akhmad Hadian Lukita as the operator of PSSI as a suspect because of the discovery of a role in Article 359 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with 360 of the Criminal Code," Sugeng told VOI, Tuesday, October 25.

By determining the suspect against the President Director of PT LIB Akmad Hadian Lukita, the material deepening of the criminal process is expected to also apply to the General Chairperson of PSSI and the ranks of Exco PSSI.

As is known, PSSI General Chair Mochamad Iriawan has been questioned by investigators together with PSSI Deputy General Chair Iwan Budianto at the East Java Regional Police on Thursday, October 20.

Iwan Bule was questioned with 45 questions for five hours, while Iwan Budianto was questioned with 70 questions.

"Seharusnya, pihak kepolisian juga meminta keterangan dari jajaran Exco yang berjumlah 15 orang tentang peran dan tugas utama Exco dan PSSI, tanggung jawab masing-masing dan keberadaan PT LIB, committee penyelenggara, serta pengamanan di stadion. Hal ini untuk membuat terangkap pertanggungan pidana terhadap meninggalnya 135 nyawat manusia di Stadion Kanjuruhan Malang," ujarnya.

Seperti yang diungkap Menteri Koordinator Bidang Politik, Hukum, dan Keamanan (Menkopolhukam) Mahfud MD bahwa Ketua Umum PSSI Mochamad Iriawan berpotensi menjadi tersangka di kasus Tragedi Kanjuruhan.

Meanwhile, in his moral responsibility, Mahfud MD, who is also the Chairman of the Independent Fact Finding Joint Team (TGIF) of the Kanjuruhan Tragedy, quipped PSSI General Chair Iwan Bule to resign from his position.

"IPW strongly supports the statement of Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD that PSSI General Chair Mochamad Iriawan must be legally and morally responsible. For this reason, the Supreme Leader of the National Police, Listyo Sigit Prabowo, does not need to hesitate if the formal and material requirements have been met, assigning Iwan Bule as a suspect following his subordinates. President Director of PT LIB Akhmad Hadian Lukita, Abdul Haris (Chairman of Panpel) and Suko Sutrisno (Security Officer) who have now been detained," he said. This is in accordance with the promise of the National Police Chief who will be serious and thoroughly investigate the Ferry Tragedy, which is the most dark event in Indonesian football. So, the case does not only stop by naming six suspects consisting of three members of the National Police and three civilians.

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