
MALRA - The Regency Government (Pemkab) of Southeast Maluku (Malla) voiced the preservation of the minihargic. The animal is also referred to as a short circuit and landfill, while some of the residents call it Aha.

In the 2022 Miti Kei Pesona Festival (FPMK), minijuana is also used as a mascot by the Malra Regency Government. The use of minijuana as a mascot is expected to build public awareness to preserve the increasingly difficult animals to find.

"Being one of our current missions, namely the preservation of endemic animals, namely mini graduates that can be found in a number of forests on Kei Besar Island, but now it is difficult to find or decrease so that we make the FPMK 2022 mascot," said Chairman of the 2022 FPMK Committee Budi Toffy in Langgur, Malra, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, October 25.

The existence of a mini injury has not been fully documented in Indonesia. So far, mini graduates are better known in the Wasur National Park area, Papua. The population of

"Yes, (the teacher) has never been recorded," said Public Relations of the Maluku Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA) Seto Purwanto when contacted.

Even so, Seto said that the Maluku BKSDA had released a mini knife in the conservation area in Malra. In Malra there is Dab Nature Reserve, precisely in the Kei Besar Islands with an area of 14,218 hectares.

The area functions for the protection and utilization of flora and fauna, one of which is a short hijab. In addition, there are also kei parrots that can only live in the area.

Meanwhile, the existence of the shortkes in Maluku is not widely known by the public, even for residents in Malra. Residents who have seen the minikoes are usually those who come from or live in a number of villages (ohoi) in Kei Besar District.

"This mini-guru is in the three ohoi region, namely Reamru, Weduar and Ohoituf," said Grendi Rada, a resident of Ohoi Reamru.

He said miniferns usually live in groups in forest and mountainous areas. The animal is most often seen during the east wind season, around May to the middle of the year, asMONs are often down to coastal areas.

"Uniknya saat pancaroba, atau sehari sebelum peralihan musim, Perusuhan itu sudah tak terlihat lagi pasti sudah berang ke gunungan lagi," katanya.

According to him, the residents of Kei Besar generally do not disturb the animals, but some are forced to hunt them down when the sea waves and bad weather in the east season make it difficult for fishermen to go to sea.

"When the eastern season, it is difficult for residents to go to sea, so they set snares to catch pigs, but sometimes they get clothes," Grendi said, adding that there were also entangled graduates who were eventually kept by the residents.

Kace Ubro, who is also a resident of Kei Besar, said not all residents consume minikoes because they feel uncomfortable.

"He's too cute to eat," Kace said.

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