
KALBAR - Starting to realize the dangers of its use, a resident of Melancau Village, Puring Kencana District handed over a homemade firearm to the Indonesia-Malaysia Border Security Task Force in Kapuas Hulu Regency.

"We received homemade firearms from a resident because the person concerned was aware of the dangers of possession of firearms, both legally and safety," said Commander of the Pamtas Task Force Yonarmed 19/105 Trk Bogani Lieutenant Colonel Arm Edi Yulian Budiargo in his statement in Badau, Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan), Monday 24 October.

He said, in various social activities, Pamtas Yonarmed 19/105 Trk Bogani soldiers continued to provide understanding to the public regarding the dangers of possession of homemade firearms.

In addition to violating the law, illegal possession of firearms also threatens safety, both for users and for others.

According to Edi, the homemade firearms owned by the community are usually used to hunt animals in the forest.

"Ownership of homemade firearms in the community is actually used to hunt animals in the forest, but people still need to be given understanding regarding the dangers of possessing such firearms," he said, confiscated by Antara.

He added that currently, seven firearms belonging to the community have been handed over voluntarily to the Pamtas Yonarmed 19/105 Trk Bogani Task Force to be handed over to the state.

Edi gave an example, a resident in Puring Kencana District who handed over his homemade firearm voluntarily after being given an understanding by soldiers in various social activities.

"So while carrying out free treatment to people's homes, soldiers also approach socialization and understanding to the public about the dangers of possession of homemade firearms," he said.

He appealed to people who still keep and have homemade firearms to voluntarily hand over to TNI soldiers.

"We really hope that there will be awareness from the community itself because the possession of firearms is contrary to the law and can also threaten safety if there is misuse of firearms itself," he concluded.

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