
JAKARTA - Agus Muklis (53) told a chronology when his son MR (24) became a victim of stabbing, which turned out to be brought directly by the perpetrator to the hospital. Agus said, the perpetrator took MR and his brother (RH) with three of them.

However, when he wanted to take the victim using RH's motorbike, the two-wheeled vehicle broke down so that it used the perpetrator's motorbike.

Arriving at the hospital, it turned out that the perpetrator had fled from his two-wheeled vehicle. He only brought the key to his motorbike. "The motorbike (RH) broke down, changing the motorbike he (the perpetrator) was used. While at the hospital, the perpetrator fled with only the key," Agus said when met at the funeral home, in Menteng, Central Jakarta, Saturday, October 22.

RH, who saw the perpetrator, fled, tried to check the contents of the box. It turned out that a sharp weapon (type) sickle was found.

(The perpetrator) ran away, just brought a motorbike key. In the box his motorbike (RH) also saw a sickle, "he said

On the other hand, Agus revealed that his son suffered three stab wounds. The points that were stabbed in the body were twice and hands once.

"Three (featuring). In the stomach twice and one hand," he said.

After the incident, the family reported the incident to the police, for further action.

Meanwhile, contacted separately, Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Komarudin said his party was investigating the case. In this case, the members have examined two witnesses in the field.

It is known that the murder took place near Setiabudi Station, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta, Saturday, October 22, at 13.00 WIB.

"It is still being investigated, two witnesses have been questioned," said Komarudin.

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