
JAKARTA - The DKI Health Office (Dinkes) ensures that it will secure sirop or liquid drugs that are suspected of triggering acute kidney failure in children. This step is taken as a preventive measure.

"The provincial government has taken temporary steps to secure it, not using one of the substances that is suspected to trigger acute kidney failure," said Head of the DKI Jakarta Health Office Widyastuti in an online discussion quoted on Sunday, October 23.

Widya stated that this action was based on a circular letter from the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) Number SR.01.05/III/3461/2022 regarding the Obligation to Investigation Epidemiology and Reporting of Cases of Atypical Acute kidney Disorder (Atypical Progressive Acute Kidney Injury) in Children.

Next, another action taken by the DKI Health Office is to collect data at hospitals and health centers. Data as of October 20, there were 82 cases of atypical progressive acute kidney failure or attypical progressive acute childney injury (AKI) in Jakarta

"This data was obtained by the DKI Health Office from all puskesmas and hospitals in the capital city," he said.

Widya hopes that the central government will continue to find out the cause of cases of kidney failure in children. Then, the Ministry of Health was asked to immediately take concrete steps to prevent public panic.

"We hope that the central government can immediately establish concrete steps, so that people can be more vigilant and there will be no panic," he said.

As previously reported, cases of acute kidney failure have become a public spotlight in the country. Based on data from the Ministry of Health, currently there are 133 children died and 69 children were declared cured after undergoing treatment including dialysis.

This case is thought to have increased significantly, allegedly due to the ethilenic content of glycol and dietilen glycol in child sirop drugs that exceeded the threshold.

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