
Manado - Manado Search and Rescue Office (Basarnas) has not yet found Daniel Tiwow's lost grandfather at Mandengan Plantation, Matani 1 Tomohon Tengah Village, Tomohon, North Sulawesi. The search was temporarily suspended.

Head of the Operations Section of the Manado Basarnas, Jendry S Paendong, said that his party had found an agreement with the victim's family not to continue the search. However, operations will be carried out again if there are signs from the 68-year-old grandfather.

"If after this from the local community or the victim's family finds signs of the victim, we will reopen the operation," he said.

He said Basarnas Manado together with the joint SAR team, the local government had tried to carry out the search for victims but the victims were not found. The search area has been expanded from the point where victims often visit.

During the search for victims on the third day Tuesday, October 18, the joint SAR team only found the victim's sandals on the side of the road around the Catholic physiotherapy faculty of Tomohon. The search area on the sixth day or Friday, October 21, was expanded 7 km from the point where the victim's sandals were found but the victim was not found.

Earlier on Sunday, October 16, Basarnas Manado received a report from the family and government of Matani 3 Village that one of the residents, Daniel Tiwow, 68 years old, last left the house on Saturday, October 15 at around 07.30 WITA, went gardening, and has not returned.

On Sunday at 15.30 WITA, the family and government have tried to search, but the victim has not been found. The family also asked Basarnas for help to conduct a search.

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