
Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo became the inspector of the 2022 Santri Day Commemoration ceremony at Bandengan Field, Jepara Regency, Saturday, October 22. Ganjar conveyed three things for the students.

"Because the students with their jihad resolution at that time were able to encourage the state government to defend the Republic of Indonesia," said Ganjar.

Efforts to defend the Republic of Indonesia must be carried out by all components of the country. Here, the role of santri is very much needed, especially to stem the undermining from various sides.

"So, the participation of students is increasingly needed. First, in the digital world, we must be technology literate and it has been proven by the number of Islamic boarding schools that develop it," he said.

Second, the white-haired politician continued, students must be able to farm independently. So that students are able to contribute to food security and sovereignty.

"And third, innovative students and creative students who can also find solutions to solve local problems with energy," he explained.

So, these three things can be the basis for students to maintain the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia according to its current era.

"In the past, I used to bring pointed bamboo now using reason, use the mind to use a network. And I like it the declaration that these students are really moderate. How to keep the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia," said Ganjar.

He hopes that students can follow developments and always be introspective. Thus, with the provision of religious knowledge, it will be strong in the onslaught of deviant ideologies.

"If necessary, schools will be higher because there are so many who are boarding but finished with undergraduates, master's degree, and doctoral degrees are cool. And many state facilities can be provided. They have the potential to be enthusiastic," he said.

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