
The Tarakan Police are monitoring pharmacies related to the ban on drug trafficking in the form of sirops containing Dietilen Glikol (DEG) and Etylene Glikol (EG) which are considered to be the cause of acute kidney failure in children.

"This is about the sirop drug that is prohibited from circulating, we from the Resort Police only give an appeal not only to pharmacies to the public as well," said Tarakan Police Chief, AKBP Taufik Nurmandia, Saturday, October 22, as reported by Antara.

This is in order to follow up on the circular from the Ministry of Health and follow up on orders from the National Police Headquarters via the National Police Chief's telegram dated October 21, 2022.

Regarding reports from the Ministry of Health regarding the development of cases of acute progressive kidney disorders in children.

So Tarakan Police personnel carry out monitoring and appeals to several pharmacies and the public regarding the prohibition of the circulation and use of sirop drugs for children.

Referring to a circular from the Ministry of Health Number SE.01.05/III/3461/2022 asking all pharmacies not to sell limited free drugs in the form of sirops to the public until an official decision is made.

"We have also coordinated with the Tarakan City Health Office for this appeal," said Taufik.

According to him, currently there has been an official direction from the National Police Chief to pay attention to the development of the security and social security situation, especially those related to the development of cases of acute progressive kidney disorders in children.

As well as the circulation of controls for children because they contain Dietilen Glikol (DUG) and Etylene Glikol (EG) which is suspected to have resulted in acute kidney failure in children.

This content is thought to contain harmful compounds that cause acute kidney failure in children.

The Tarakan Police on Friday (21/10) has monitored five pharmacies in Tarakan, but is an appeal, it has not yet reached the examination or confiscation of evidence of sirop at the pharmacy.

"There are five pharmacies, it could be more because we will tour the West, East and Central Tarakan areas as well, North, we are still close to them first," he said.

Monitoring of pharmacies and also drug outlets. Even the public is also advised through the local Bhabinkamtibmas.

"We are monitoring further developments, we are not taking any actions, only appealing to circulars. We will see future developments, according to the circular," said the Police Chief.

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